The weather here in Rome is strange, very strange*. At 1000 in the morning it can be bitingly cold, not the finger-numbing -35c I'm use to in Ottawa, but a bone gnawing damp hovering at zero. Three hours later its a pleasant 18c and the gloves, scarf and sweater you wore under your jacket comes off but the umbrella is up because that blue sky has turned gun-metal gray and its drizzling. This morning it was pounding rain at the back of the building but clear and sunny at the front - still haven't figured that one out. But at least the balcony plants are getting a good soaking.

So time to head out to the market:
Shopping list - check
Scarf - check
Wallet - check
Gloves - check
Change purse - check
Sweater - check
Cellphone - nope lost that in a cab on Wednesday - add to shopping list
Umbrella - check
Jacket - check
Okay lets go!
12 gennaio - San Modesto
every time i visit you, i want to hop on a plane and go to rome. sigh.
Have fun shopping dear, don't get rained on. And remember to let me know what you had for lunch so I can be all jealous..
Again, I'm with Belle. I always imagine that rain in Italy is less dreary than rain in the Rustbelt. You know what they say, the grass is always greener in Italy. Or something like that.
The weather in Rome sounds as capricious as New England.
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