- Though most people don't need encouragement to read Joe, My God, he had a YouTube entry up yesterday that is weird but wonderful. Wait for the comment at the end - it glorious
- Elizabeth proves time and time again that the world is full of strange things on Ridiculon but the Nun Pod has to be one of the best.

- In case you missed it last Friday EG told us one of his great Doris stories - that woman is going to become a book.
- Also last week RG posted a hysterical story about his mother Justine and her sister Mary. Sadly the same day he posted a loving and lovely tribute to Mary who has just passed away.

- And earlier in the month Japonisme did a beautiful post using one of my favorite Beatles songs: The Long and Winding Road.
- Tater, with that incredible ability he has with words, looks at another type of road and traces Steps.

- And while looking for a review of the Fountain Restaurant at Fortnum and Mason's - that's were I'm taking Deb for lunch on Thursday before the Panto - I discovered Around Britain with a Paunch. I'm still working through who's who but I gather Jonathan is the author and Cowie is his girlfriend/SO/wife but he/they are real serious foodies. The pictures are great and the reviews, comments and observations fun. Lunch at the Fountain sounds like it should be great for a London lunch.
- Boy About Town had some real problems with Google and after a losing battle decided to open up at a new location as Boy About Town LB.

- Much like other communities, Blog communities see movement and change. New people arrive, neighbours move away, change homes or sometimes go on vacation. Two of my favorite bloggers have decided to take a vacation from their daily postings. Big Ass Belle is my blog-mama, one of my earliest commenters and a force in Blogdom but she's also a person who, to my mind at least, has her priorities in the right order. As does Auld Hat over at The Voluputary. Auld has been a delight day in and day with her creativity, wit and wisdom but she wants, and deserves, some time to recharge. I'm going to miss them both but look forward to their return.

Of course I've been visiting all my regulars and leaving rude messages just to let them know I've been around.
These photos were taken the first weekend we were here in Rome - back at the beginning of August. We spent Sunday at Villa Ada, the former hunting park of the Royal Family a few blocks from us. It is now one of the largest (320,000 sq metres) public parks in Rome. Its a popular venue for rock concerts, boating, horse back riding and strolling.
15 gennaio - San Mauro abate
Love the photos, and the recaps! Thanks for the shout out, and yes, i desperately miss my belle, and now I have lost my Hat, which really is unfortunate in these chilly climes I live in.
I have been crying since I read Hats post. I have yet to pull myself together to comment. I miss Belle too. Strange how connected one can feel from reading peoples blogs. And then when they take a break it breaks my heart. They both are wonderful bloggers and I will miss them.
Nice pictures by the way. 7C?? That is way to cold to survive...44 F .....yep I need 70 + F.
Thanks for the plug! I fear I have created a monster with Doris.
I miss Belle too. I had no idea that Hat was taking a hiatus too. Damn!
Hey there!
Jonathan here from the Paunch! Thanks for the plug. So glad you like the blog. Cowie (my girlfriend and fellow foodie) thought the Fountain restaurant was great and was delighted a client was paying rather than her. Apparently you can ask for any bottle of wine from their wine shop at almost cost price which is pretty cool.
If you want any more recommendations just shout!
I'm going to put a link to your blog on my site.
Thanks again
hey there! I am touched that you gave me a shout out! And thank you for being 1 of the first to visit my new blog!
While sagewebs phone drama gave me some peace this weekend I am saddened to hear of your loss! I too once left my cell in a cab, and when I called my # the driver answered and informed me that he would be keeping the phone! I hope you plan to get another one soon! I love your photos! I downloaded 2 of them, I hope thats ok...if not well then come over here and get them!! lol Did you say Auld Hat is no longer blogging? I truly hope your are mistaken...I better go check...
Going to miss Lynette and Angela but I have a feeling we'll be hearing from them.
Browners: I've been working my way through past posts on your blog - enjoying it very much. I only show up in London once a year to take my friend Deb to the Panto and like going somewhere traditional before hand. Looking forward to it. Finding Italy is a food paradise and the wine... well the wine.. what the hell can I say about the wine. Glad I discovered you and Cowie.
Boy: Not a problem - I'M working my way through a backlog from that horrid 10 weeks when we didn't have internet. Glad to see you're back.
I for one,miss Hat terribly when she takes her well deserved sabatticals.But be of good cheer!..She always returns,in her own time..Well worth waiting for I say!
So sweet to mention me and my blog of pure self indulgent silliness. xoxo
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