The one I've had no trouble identifying with is the donkey because I'm feeling like a bit of an ass. Though I got here safely my wallet and credit cards did not. Right at the start of the trip it appears I was the victim of a train pickpocket. Its a long complicated story and I'll post more about it later however I'm glad to say that though I lost a fair bit of money my documents and cards are safely in the hands of the TrenItalia Police.
But that and few other hiccups involving the train from Innsbruck to Salzburg have not been allowed to spoil the trip. And it will all make good stories for the travel book I intend to write some day.

08 maggio - San Simon
While the loss of cash was no doubt a drag- thank heaven you got the rest of it back! And I hope you've canceled all your cards!!!! Last summer when our credit card got jacked it was being used through an ecommerce site based in Cyprus- and we haven't been out of the country in about two years.. Scary stuff these days if the wrong person gets your info.
And I love the picture!
OHHHH CRAP! Forget about it and have a fantastic time in Salzburg (envy envy envy....)
omg I am soooo sorry! I could tell you the story of what happened to me along the same lines about a year ago, and you'd probably feel much better. But I prefer to leave those stories in the past. So, at least, you are now officially a statistic...so here's a welcome to the club!
Enjoy Salisburgo!
I'm very sorry to hear about the pickpocket. I hope the ceilings are making up for it a little. And the picture is great! I'm still trying to figure out what maestro Muti is up to.
lol, love that pic of you two. Shame about your wallet. Tell me you at least got a good groping out of the deal!
That's just a shame. I do love the line about living up to your ceiling.
Sein Zimmer ist sehr schon! Deinen foto is gleich shon. Ich liebe Sie!
When in Salzburg... Beautiful ceilings, and quite a lovely photo of you and Laurent.
And sorry about your Geld dear...
Sorry about the loss of shekels,but doesn't getting your wallet lifted by a real pro make for a great story!..maybe it's just me...
You guys make a handsome pair.
Nice picture of you! Sorry about your wallet..that sucks.
Cute photo! the three of you.. very clever! I'd love to dive in your travel book....
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