And speaking of theatre - take that for a link William Zinsser! - Gallery Met and The New Yorker have joined forces and mounted an exhibition of work by New Yorker artists based on Humperdink's Hansel und Gretal. The online slide show highlights some of the work on display - William Wegman's contribution is a hoot and Gahan Wilson's take on the H&G saga is, as always, wonderfully macabre. And Roz Chast gives the tale her own particular twist.
And speaking of opera - zap again Zinsser! - I'll have a post up about Oberto in Bussetto (sounds like a title for a Greek tragedy) shortly.
31 ottobre - Santa Lucilla
The stepmother bears a a bit of a likeness to Anna Nicole, no?
Doralong: I thought there was something about it but - much like the world's fascination with ANS - I couldn't put my finger on it.
I never got it either ;)
I loved the Wegman. I guess I had forgotten just how creepy that story is. I'll have to sit down with my unexpurgated copy of Grimm's tonight.
EG you're a brave man reading unexpurgated Grimm on All Hallow's Eve. I always loved the bit in Aschenbudl (Cinderella) where one of the ugly stepsisters cuts off her toes to try and fit the slipper and the other one cuts off her heel. Mutalation for beauty's sake even back then.
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