As a Canadian I am often self-deprecating when it comes to my home and native land - there you go, a tongue-in-check, typically Canadian phrase if there every was one. I take much for granted and while grumbling about what's wrong with Canada I often forget what is right.
Last week's cruise on the Ottawa River was a gentle reminder of the beautiful area I live in - one of many beautiful areas in a vast country. Yesterday's Canada Day celebrations were a reminder that we have so much to be proud of.
And as a gay man I was reminded twice this past week that I have many reasons to be thankful I am a Canadian.
I went to Ottawa City Hall on Friday and applied for a license for our upcoming (July 21) marriage. I mentioned to the lady processing our application that Laurent and I had been together for almost 29 years. As she gave me the license she said: Congratulations, I hope the next 29 years are as happy as the last 29.

I didn't wear a T-Shirt proclaiming it yesterday, nor did I fly a flag from the second floor veranda but I am proud to be a Canadian.
*And if that ain't typically Canadian, what is? Eh?
I am a proud Canadian at heart too, even though I'm not a citizen. Wish I was, but alas I am stuck in the country of puritans and foolish pride. The dumbing down of Amrica almost complete, with a Supreme court that upholds laws designed to enrich the few, and a president whose buttocks reside upon his shoulders. I offer you my jealous, belated congratulations on Canada Day.
upcoming (July 21) marriage. I mentioned to the lady processing our application that Laurent and I had been together for almost 29 years. As she gave me the license she said: Congratulations, I hope the next 29 years are as happy as the last 29.
damn. that's just . . . unbelievable. i am so, so envious. i've discovered we can't join you in your grand land, unless i get a better description of "serious health problems" and how my husband's ailments might fit into that.
couldn't happen to a better bunch of folks, though. i think y'all are grand and you in particular.
That's wonderful. (sighs wistfully)
Another 29 yrs, well, gee, how old will we be.
Belated congratulations. I keep thinking about trying for a Canadian passport. (The old man was a Canadian citizen when I was born here south of the border) It is seeming like an increasingly good idea.
No sure about you dear, but I'll still be younger than springtime!
Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. You are inspirational.
Ps. Happy belated Canada Day
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