I mentioned a bit earlier that we were seriously thinking about getting another dog. I mean we all knew that eventually the subject of another dog would come up seriously but every time it has in the last little while I simply said Nope! I've had a hard time dealing with the loss of our Reesieman - to the point that in May when I saw this handsome fellow in Trento I almost lost it. The owner must have thought I was crazy but after fussing over him I asked if I could take a picture. And I'm not too sure the pup was all that impressed either.

Then we were at our friends Linda and Nazareno's place outside of Rome on Saturday and I met Pablo. Pablo isn't really their dog but I don't think either he or Nazareno know that. Theoretically he belongs to the very nice couple next door but a year or two ago they got some sort of little lap dog who took over the house. Pablo now spends more time with Nazareno than with his "owners." Pablo discovered that I was willing to give pats, belly rubs and chin scratches so I became the second most important human in the place. And it felt great, and right, to be eating dinner with one hand and rubbing a puppy - even a big overgrown puppy - tummy with the other.

Then my friend Yannis in Athens goes and posts these pictures of his whippet Rama's new pup. Rama sired this gorgeous little boy who must be about 6 weeks old now. He was the only pup in the litter, which I found strange but apparantly does happen. Rama doesn't seem all that impressed with his handwork but I sure am. That is one handsome pup and the colouring and markings are beautiful. And those eyes!!!
All that to say that once we get the summer over with - its going to be full with visitors and travel, not the best atmosphere for introducing a dog into a house - we're going to be looking for a puppy to adopt us.
15 lulgio - San Bonaventura
(claps hands with delight) A puppy! A puppy! I never considered myself a dog person until we got The Dog and now I know that there will always be a dog in this family.
awww! a puppy is sure to adopt you soon.
awww! a puppy is sure to adopt you soon.
Oh how adorable. Life is hard without a dog, it is real hard with a puppy though..but it is well worth it.
Oh how adorable. Life is hard without a dog, it is real hard with a puppy though..but it is well worth it.
Hey your commentor thing is broken....it gets stuck.
I know, timing, and so forth and so on..
But he's so Cuuuuuute!! Come on Wills, can we have him, please? We'll walk him and feed him and everything, really!!
Oh, that means you- right.. but honey he's so precious, really.
What a handsome little fella. he's look great curled up by the fireplace.
I'm not even a big fan of whippets, but he is just adorable. I wouldn't be able to resist myself.
Yannis from Athens has this puppy???/ Parsifal, also from Athens, wants to adopt this puppy! Will!!!! I waaaant it!!!
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