Friday, June 08, 2007

The Reesie Report - Addendum

And just to prove that though he's scared the crap out of papa for the past two days he's still capable of giving him that "You Bastard, you don't love me! You won't share your grapes with a poor starving puppie!"

I relented - he got a .... okay a few grapes.


BigAssBelle said...

oh dear! i thought grapes were poison? and don't tell me that sweet little face has ever fronted for a brain that harbor the word "bastard." not possible. too precious.

i guess they have to eat a couple of pounds of grapes to get very ill.

Anonymous said...

That is an awfully sweet face Willym. Does this mean he is okay? I hope so, and will say another get well prayer for him just in case...

BigAssBelle said...

and the sweet puppy today? i'm with tater, that face . . . precious.

more cowbell said...

What a love. I'm so glad he's ok.

Lynette beat me to it. Batman begs for grapes like they're crack; you'd think he'd get the message by now that I'm immune to that old puppy dog eyes trick.