When I met Laurent in November of 1978 he was in his last year at University and our first trip together was to celebrate his graduation - London in 1979. We saw the sights, went to the theatre and, with our dear friend Ryan, went to the opera at Glyndebourne in tuxedoed splendor. Little did I know that was just the start of our wanderings around the world.
When Laurent joined the foreign service in 1983 we knew that it would mean living apart but we decided that because I worked for an airline we could handle it. And handle it we did for almost half of those 30 - I've always wondered out loud if maybe that's why its lasted that long. First it was Mexico City, then Cairo, next came Chicago followed by Amman, Warsaw, Beijing and now Rome. There were periods back home in Ottawa every couple of years and then it would be back to commuting.
It hasn't always been easy for either one of us. Many times birthdays and anniversaries have been celebrated apart - though never Christmas; sometimes we were not there to support each other in times of family deaths or times of illness; back before computers communication could often be difficult because of cost and time zones; and each time we started living together again there were periods of adjustment - which became harder as we both grew older. And there were times when we both wondered how it was all going to turn out. But it looks like it has and we'll keep each other for another year.
At diner tonight - being Greece there will be roast lamb I would think - we'll raise a glass to the past thirty years to all the places we've been, people we've come to know and love, things we've gone through and hope we're granted a few more years of the same.
Happy Anniversary P. from P.
23 novembre - San Colombano
Weren't you two just adorable! Not that you aren't now mind you..
May you have a lovely evening to celebrate your years together, your times apart and all the reasons time and distance couldn't change the fact you were meant for one another.
Mushy and sentimental hugs and kisses on your special day! And tell Laurent for me again, he is indeed a man of exceptional taste!
Be well, and safe travels home.
The struggles add memories!
What can we say? Congratulations 30 times over! We are honored to enjoy your friendship during this season of your lives together here in Rome. Love. Larry and Vincenzo
Happy congratulations to you and Laurent on this remarkable day!
Well look at the two of you in all your retro glory! You two restore my hope in love, and are one of my very favorite cyber-couples. Thank you for sharing your story.
Sincere and hearty congratulations and warmest retro-wishes to the the both of you.
May the years ahead be the sweetest yet! Hugs and kisses to both of you! Thirty years. You should be so proud at having worked so hard to keep your lives and love growing. It ain't easy, but it's the best thing there is!
Super congratulations! I am so happy for both of you. You are both very handsome now and then.
Congratulations! My goodness, 30 years ago I was.... well never you mind what I was doing 30 years ago. Suffice it to say I was having fun. Though you won the prize.
Here's to 30 more years!
hope you have a hundred more
Richie and Vincent
bettah late than nevah dear Willy!
FELICITATIONS! a vous deux. I wish you all the very best....may your journey continues on with many more memories to come!
luv lots....S
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