Once the skin and bone have been removed, the top part of the hind leg (with the lower part "Fiochetto" is produced) is salted still "warm", that is, right after slaughtering, and trussed with a spiral of string to give it the characteristic pear shape. Stored away, the Culatello is then massaged a few days later to aid salt penetration. It is given another period of rest in a cool room, and then the Culatello, until now still "naked", is enveloped in a pig bladder, which has been washed and dried, and tightly bound with string.
After all this manipulation, the Culatello is given needed rest in cellars with constant temperature and humidity for not less than 12 months; then it is "kept" in cool, humid underground rooms. Once matured, it can weigh from 3 to 5 kilos* with its
typical solid pear shape.From G. TRANI: Elogio del Culatello. Il salume dei re tra storia,
letteratura e gastronomia. Bologna, Grafis, 1992.

I couldn't resist taking a photo of this young lady and her mother as they enjoyed their plates of ham and cheese surrounded by an arbour of porcine products.
* A 4 kilo culatello is selling for approximately Euro 315.00 (CAD 479.00 USD 403.00)- cheap at half the price!!!!!
08 novembre - Santi Quattro coronati
droolin' here big time!
won't even try to search for that authentic Parma ham here in OZ land...it'll prolly cost heaps of $$$!
Mmmmmmmm..... ham. I have a real weakness for pork products up to and including black pudding. If I went to Parma, I'm not sure I'd ever be able to leave.
You're a true friend to put yourself through such torture just for me Wills, really.
The pictures, I could just cry! Now I have the worst craving you can possibly imagine! But I still love you nonetheless..
The deli I work at carries prosciutto we have to slice it super thin and put paper between each slice. Sorry I don't care for it!
Oh I am in heaven looking at those pics. You are such a tease.
OMG, you need a NSFV (not safe for vegetarians) icon. I have to go scrub my eyeballs now.
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