Thursday, November 01, 2007

Bolled Over

It's just been announced that Roberto Bolle, the incredible Italian ballet star, will be appearing here December 8th - the day before my birthday - in a ballet Gala. I've suggested to Laurent that since he didn't get me tickets for opening night at La Scala (only E1500 a seat) for my 60th last year that it would only be right if he lined up at 0600 next Wednesday when tickets go on sale for the Gala.

Now understand this has nothing to do with the fact that Bolle is f...g gorgeous and has a body that a less cultured person would think of doing all sorts of unsavory barre exercises with. He's one of the top male dancers in the world today and I've wanted to see him dance since I first read about his appearances in London back almost 8 years ago.

And he's f....g gorgeous and has a body that a less cultured person would think of doing all sorts of unsavory barre exercises with!

1 novembre - Ognissanti


Doralong said...

I seethe with jealousy!!!!!!

I spent 14 years with one goal- to be a Prima Ballerina.. knees are very poorly designed really. I digress, as usual. I love, love, love the Ballet.

I am convinced he may well end up being the prime male dancer of his generation. The Gen- whatever the hell it is at the moment- Baryshnikov.

Cultured or not- I'd do him anywhere..

Willym said...

Don't seethe yet - we don't have the tickets and I know their going to be at a premium. I have to start cultivating some connections here asap!

more cowbell said...

I know next to nothing about ballet, but he has beautiful form. And everything else. And I'm sure your motivations are nothing less than pure artistic interest. Here's to hoping you get the tix!

evilganome said...

Willym, I am in awe of your virtuous and pure nature. Able to ignore all that hotness and concentrate on barre exerci... uh the art, that's right, art!