A walk down Via Toledo in the Centro Storico of Napoli revealed these signs of the times.

All the shops were having sales - promises of up to 50% discounts, but this store decided to face the economic situation and call it what it is: CRISI!

I'm not sure where exactly in Ireland the O'Talebano clan springs from or if they are related to the IRA but I do know that the late Sheik Zaid of the UAE would not have been pleased being connected with them.
03 febbraio - San Biagio di Sebaste
OK- that's just plain bizarre...
I have the dyke(cheap) version of that sweater below the pink shirt.
have you seen the video of the irish guys singing 'no one is as irish as obama?'
spelled as o'bama..? cracks me up
I see those sale signs everywhere... Still no one seems to be buying. When will we ever find the bottom to this financial mess we are all struggling with? Very troubling. Still, I would rather be reading those signs in Italian...
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