Funny how I remember that but on Saturday I couldn't remember where I had put my ring. It has been missing now for over five days. I only take the ring off when I do dishes or when I go to bed at night. I have a nightly ritual - first the watch, then the ring, then the glasses and they all go on the bedside table. Saturday morning my glasses were on the bedside table, the watch was on the dresser but the ring was nowhere in sight. After a full week at work I was exhausted and had obviously broken my routine. It can't have slipped off as I noticed just the other day that it only came off with difficulty. A search of the house, the office, even a check at the restaurant we went to on Friday night has turned up nothing.
Rather than buy new rings when we were married back in 2007 we decided just to have our old ones cleaned up. We had wore them all that time and they meant more than anything new would have.
I'm heart-sick about it - I've worn that ring for 18 years and without it my finger feels empty. Laurent has been very understanding but I know he's as upset as I am. He suggested the other day that maybe it was time for a new ring but like a baby I pouted that I'd didn't want a ring I wanted my ring.
12 novembre - San Giosafat Kuncewycz
I'm happy to say I found the ring a day or two later. It was amongst some t-shirts that had been on the dresser and that I, in an uncharacteristic moment of tidiness, had put in their drawer. There was much rejoicing on Via dei Villini that morning and I've now learned not to put clothes away.
And the gentleman in the picture would be Laurent and I with our best friends Rick and John at
04 gennaio - Sant'Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton
glad you found it....after all it's got a huge sentimental value.
your pic...i remember that place...i've been there! Horus temple in Edfu...brings back memories! =)
I'm so glad you found it! I lost mine once for two days and it was more upsetting than I would have imagined- after having it on that hand for 25 years I somehow felt quite naked. Odd, isn't it how we can become such creatures of habit.
Oh goodness! I'd be devastated if I lost my ring. Somehow those inanimate objects we wear without thinking about, through all the times, good and bad, take on a quiet power of symbolism and witness. I'm so glad you found it, and I have often regretted putting things away as it often turns out badly! Let that be a lesson to you, young man, to be less tidy in the coming year.
I'm so pleased that you found your ring!
..and I'm happy you learned your lesson about tidying up.It can only lead to disaster.
Flip: you are so right - I got it confused with Philae.. duh... don't like this getting old thing I'm forgetting stuff.
I'm so glad you found your ring. In the unlikely event that I ever find anyone stupid enough to marry me, I doubt I would ever be persuaded to take it off, since I lose small items, like my mind, on a regular basis.
Glad you found your ring too; but, seeing old pictures reminds us that we wonder where the dark hair went. Also were we ever that young and handsome. I know we have aged and mellowed like an old cheese.
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