Wait a minute I am an Ex-Pat! So here goes. There are times when you just want the familiar and the comfortable - we had hamburgers the other night and I so wanted Heinz 57 on them. Since I've been feeling a bit under the weather and the weather has been crappy to boot I just wanted a bowl of Campbell's Cream of Tomato soup to make things better.

And low and behold as we strolled along Via Nazionale today we happened upon the new Castroni store, I believe this is their 3rd with one on Via Flaminia and another at the Vatican. Candies, confections, pastries, wine, coffee, an espresso bar and cafe and downstairs an "international" market. Funny what constitutes "international" isn't it?
Our little bag of exotic goodies wasn't cheap but at least the next time I'm feeling homesick I got the cure: 1 can Campbell's tomato soup, 1/2 can water 1/2 can milk and a large pat of butter. Damn I forgot the saltines! I'll guess I just have to go back.
04 gennaio - Sant'Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton
Ha! I so know that feeling. When I was living in mainland China, there were just times I absolutely LONGED for a grilled cheese sandwich and a bowl of Campbell's tomato soup. Silly isn't it, with amazing food all around you, but sometimes you just want to be comforted, not amazed.
My crippling fear of being in a land without Tobasco sauce is one of the big reasons I never leave the country.
What! No Kraft peanut butter???? Glad you had your comfort food dear, be good and no more scaring Dora, not nice...
I couldn't live in a country where I couldn't get Dublin Dr Pepper..the thought just scares me to death.
im surprised you don't have a knack for Canada Dry...ginger ale!
Lemon curd!!! Yum yum!!!
Sling: Tobasco we got... and some even hotter stuff from Sicilia and Calabria - so no excuse!
Dora:No Kraft but a friend did bring me a jar of Skippy!
YDG: We could start an import business???
Flipstinger: nope never that fond of CD myself - more a coke type... that would be as in cola...
Parsifal:You can have it on toast when you're here in March.
I crave everything I avoid eating as soon as I leave the country and can't have it.
Hee hee...I so hear you, as you well know :) There simply is no better ketchup than Heinz, and that soup really *is* mmm mmm good ;)
Hmm... we have Heinz in every supermarket, Campbell's in plenty of them, Skippy is carried by at least one chain that I know of, together with what's that mayonaise called, Hellman's or something?, and Pringles are abso-effing-lutely everywhere. Haven't seen the mustard or the lemon curd, though.
My next project is to find reasonably-priced Vegemite for a friend.
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