Well given the sort of winter they've been having right across the country I'd have to say: NO!
My friend Kev is spending a few months back home on the West Coast and as he was wandering around Lost Lagoon in Vancouver's west end yesterday, he took this shot with his IPhone.

I hope Vancouverites, who are not use to the ice and snow, see the humour in it all?
08 gennaio - San Lorenzo Giustiniani
I was going to take a photo of my snow covered car and plowed in drive to ask if you miss home?
Kev does take great pics... I love this one.
Hey, well I see the humor in it, even if they don't! Makes my bout of the winter uglies look mild.
the cold is unbearable this year and we're only zone 7. i can't imagine the zones 2,3,4 folks. or even 5 or 6.
Can BigAssBelle tell me what zone Kabul is? It makes me cold thinking about it.
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