Amongst the treasures we picked up for a mere 135 Euros (books are expensive everywhere): Gambero Rosso’s 1000 page 2007 guide to Italian wines, their 2007 guide to family run osterie and trattorie for Italy, Beppe Severgnini’s La Bella Figura – a very funny take on Italy and Italians, Ancient Rome on Five Dinarii a Day, some maps and a few guide books so we can sound moderately intelligent when giving friends the guided tour. By the time we had finished the store was closing to give the staff a lunch break – 1330-1600 – and we were getting a bit peckish ourselves.
Fortunately just around the corner in an (un-air-conditioned but trendy) arcade is Dagnino, a Sicilian purveyor of foods, wines, sweets and pastries. Two prosciutto-cheese toast, two glasses of real ice tea and two granitas (one almond-one lemon) later we felt up to seeing what goodies where on offer inside.

Aside from these incredible marzipan fruits, there were Turkish Delight of every possible flavor, mascarpone-filled cannoli, pastries, 35 types of gelato, Almond wine, a goodly supply of very expensive Sicilian wines and various preserves – sweet and savory. It was hard to resist buying, what are reputedly the best, cannoli to take home but in that heat it would have had to be eaten on the spot. Just wait until the car arrives next month - Sicilian cannoli for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
looks delicious! You know, I never have have understood the whole marzipan thing, though. It's so big over there, and it always looks wonderful, but I could never stand to eat it. Blech! Buying books is the death of us all...
the first few photos i was thinking "what kind of fruit, veggies, are those?" and with that last photo, before i read marzipan, i got it.
sweet! delicious! what fun!!!!
so a car is coming? just curious . . . how?
when i make my escape to canada, i'll want to take the cooper mini ;-)
so what's up in your part of the world? have the italians returned and stolen all of the desserts? thinking of you all . . . hugs, lynette
I am drooling now, and everyone thinks I may be rabid...
now i'm fretting a little. are you all well? both of you? little reesie?
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