Friday, January 28, 2011

The Ring Continues - La Scala December 10, 2010

As I mentioned in December I went up to Milano mid-month to see the opening opera of the new season at La Scala: Die Walküre , the second installment of their new Der Ring des Nibelungen. I been there in May last year when the cycle began with Das Rheingold and reviewed it at that time for Opera Britannia. Once again the kind editors (Faye and Anthony) had arranged for me to be there as both an opera lover and their critic.

Unfortunately a combination of Holidays and a hacker - the deadly H and H combo - resulted in many of the December reviews at Opera Britannia being delayed in posting but they were finally able to get things sorted out and my thoughts on the new season's opener where published today.

A left click on the poster from the December 10, 2010 performance will take you over to Opera Britannia and my review.

28 gennaio - San Valerio di Saragozza
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1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I've been waiting to hear your review of this! I laughed out loud at your wonderful, SCORCHING commentary on the sets and costumes, especially the Valkyries' "ballroom drag," as you put it.