Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Mercoledi Musciale

On Monday Yellowdog Granny responded to the every lovely Valeriya's version of Mambo Italiano by voicing the opinion that Rosemary Clooney's is better. And she won't get an argument from me and its not just because she could shot the tail of a rattler at 100 paces - though that may have something to do with it. There are more versions of Bob Merrill's arrangement of this old Italian melody than you shake a Grisinni at but Rosie's is still the one.

Unfortunately that clip doesn't give the full version so here's Rosie again with a video created by tangermarine over at YouTube to celebrate her Italian roots.

08 ottobre - Santa Reparata di Cesarea


yellowdoggranny said...

ats nice!

sageweb said...

Wow she has a nice voice. I am sure I have heard her before.