My friend Carla was here two weeks ago to take a cruise from Roma and showed up at dinner with two jars of peanut butter - one has since gone the way of all things peanut-buttery. Then Ron and Gord showed up with a tub bearing the Kraft bears and 2 kilos of smooth, creamy peanutty goodness. And then if though they had not showered me with enough - hmmm showered = peanut butter, nope - then my old boss from Ottawa Yves, well he's not actually old more like my former boss, sent me.. well let me tell you about Yves.
Yves and his lady friend Linda were on a cruise - what is it with everyone I know and cruises, I thought that was old folks stuff, oh yeah sorry - and scheduled to stop off here for a day. We were going to meet at Piazza Navona have some pizza, a litre or two of wine and maybe some gelato and Laurent and I was going to get to meet Linda. Saturday morning Linda phones from the ship - poor Yves had taken ill during the night, the message was sort of garbled but had something to do with speedos and lemon juice I believe. Anyway Reader's Digest version they were being quarantined on the ship for 48 hours. We were disappointed and so was Yves - he said he had a small gift and wanted to see my face when I opened it.
Two days later when their ship docked in Bari they trotted off to the Post Office to send me my parcel. Now from previous postings you may realize that a trip to PostItalia is a major expedition but they took time out from their busy schedule to brave Italian bureaucracy to send me two jars of peanut butter. Now that's some boss!
And Yves, if you read this I had nothing to do with the quarantine signs all over your office - honestly!
As you can see I'm set with Peanut Butter now until at least Christmas - okay maybe the end of November. Grazie Carla, Ron and Gord, Linda and Yves - okay you may not be gods but you qualify ast the least as Peanut Butter fairies!
23 ottobre - San Giovanni da Capestrano
Ah, PB! Food of the gods. I myself am a fan of Teddy. I have tried the Trader Joe's version and it just doesn't measure up, IMHO.
I would offer to send more PB to Roma, but I am not sure where to get Kraft PB. They don't sell it in this region of New England.
Hmmmmm. Maybe time to hit the internet...
Oh PB is my favorite..that would last me about week. maybe two. I will have to look for kraft PB..I need to try it.
It's a bonanza!! :)
Thanks for the offer Tony, I believe Kraft is only available in Canada - though I may be wrong on that. There was a time when it had less icing sugar than the rest though I've noticed a change over the past five years so I'm sure its now loaded with addictive sweetness to get the young ones hooked.
The peanut butter factory (almost) next door would've celebrated 125 years next year - if Unilever hadn't closed it last month... To me, peanut butter can only be Calvé Pindakaas.
Showered & peanut butter! Speedos and lemon juice! This post made me laugh. Now we all know what to send/bring you.......
ohhhhh my! i feel your excitement...nothing feels as good and simple as PB & J when you're away from home.
i used to go to Costco when i was in the UK and just buy a big jar! it was heaven!
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