Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Gift of Giving

Last week the children at the AmBrit International School here in Roma, where my friend Larry teaches, had their yearly visit from Babbo Natale. Babbo did bear a striking resemblance to Larry in many ways but particularly in the way he helps teach the children about giving as one of the best gifts at Christmas.

Most of the children at the school want for very little and enjoy healthy and happy lives but they have learned that there are children in their own city who are not as fortunate. These are children in the AIDS ward at the Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital - many of whom are undergoing treatment far away from home. So for several years now, on that special day when Babbo Natale finds time to stop by, the children at AmBrit have been bringing gifts for a gift exchange. But it is a not a gift exchange as we normally think of it. The children give the gifts to Babbo Natale to take to the children in the Hospital when he does his Christmas Eve rounds. Their gift in return is knowing that they have give a few moments of happiness to another little boy or girl.

They have learned a lesson that is often forgotten - that giving can be one of the best gifts of the season.

22 decembre - Sant'Onorio di Canterbury


Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's a wonderful tradition and lesson.

yellowdoggranny said...

the true spirit of Christmas..
Merry Christmas to you all...

Anonymous said...

Very lovely.

At the bottom of the post it says that the saint is St. Onorio di Canterbury. He's new to me. Know anything about him?