Thursday, December 17, 2009

Santa Claus is Coming to Town - III

And the parade continues. Most of the marchers in the parade were Eaton's store employees and their families.

I always wanted to be in the parade but I have a feeling the thought of being at the Christie St Transit Barns at 0430 parade morning was the main reason my parent's dissuaded me of the idea.

To a five year old it was a mystery how they could walk on their hands for so long! But then clowns could do anything.

Okay the green duck may have been a flight of my imagination but the cow? No I'm pretty sure cows were purple back then!

17 decembre - San Giovanni de Matha

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all these posts. I'm re-living my childhood in Toronto.

I loved that Santa Claus parade! Like you, I never was an upsidedown clown or one of the women with the huge hoop skirts. But I did love to watch it. One year, after the parade, my parents took us to one of the grand theatres that were in Toronto and we saw "White Christmas". Nothing could have been more perfect. (Those not from Toronto can get the feel of the city at the time you write about by watching "A Christmas Story" which was filmed in Toronto.)

Because I went to a Catholic school, we had December 8 off for the Immaculate Conception (then it was a Holy day of Obligation so we went to mass in the morning). That was the day we went downtown with my mother to shop at Simpson's for Christmas presents.