Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Sounds of Christmas

Often when you go to a museum you go into visual overload - things become a blur and then suddenly a piece jumps out at you. Something that speaks to your mind but more often to your heart. This beautiful sculpture by John Flaxman was only one of the many wonders at the Bode Museum but it was one that said something to my mind and heart's eye. Though the visit of the Magi is not until January 6th I thought I would share this with you on Christmas Eve.

Once again the music is by the Boston Camerata from their album A Renaissance Christmas and is the beautiful German carol Es ist ein Ros'enstsprungen by Michael Praetorius using the original harmonization.

A rose has sprung up, from a tender root.
As the ancients sang to us, its lineage was from Jesse.
And it has brought forth a blossom in the middle of the cold winter at the stroke of midnight.

The rosebud that I mean, foretold by Isaiah,
is Mary, the pure, who brought us this blossom.
At God’s immortal word, she has borne a child
who makes us blessed.

(This small bloom, that smells so sweet to us
with its clear light dispels the darkness.
Truely man and truer God!
He helps us from all trouble and saves us from sin and death.)

24 decembre - San Giacobbe
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Anonymous said...

You're right: it's a beautiful piece of art.
Buon Natale!

yellowdoggranny said...

oh wow....thanks for that one..merry christmas my friends..

sageweb said...

That is a nice one...merry christmas!!

yvette said...

I wish you a glorious day in Rome!
I'll be reading you !