The entrance hymn was sung antiphonally by choir and congregation as four small servers in purple cassocks and white surplices came through the congregation lighting our candles. We sat in the flickering light as the service followed a familiar pattern: the psalm of the day using old plainsong chant, the readings from the Old Testament and the New, a brief homily based on one of one of the readings, a Bach chorale, more congregational hymns and an organ postlude. Even though in German, it was familiar and for that brief 45 minutes I was reminded of candle lit Advent Evensong in our small Anglican parish when I was a child. We may not have had the grandeur, the statues (hey we were Anglican!), certain we lacked the magnificent choir and organ but we had a sense of community, warmth and harmony. As did our congregation in the Michaelskirkche on a cold, rainy afternoon on the 2nd Sunday in Advent in Munich.
I repeat what I said yesterday - there is nothing to compare with the sound of a German or English choir; and here to prove my point is the Thomanerchor of Leipzig singing an old German carol: Joseph Lieber, Joseph mein.
In this rather original video Vostorgina01 has combined this lovely carol from the Western rite with scenes of Russian Christmas celebrations.
17 dicembre - San Giovanni de Matha
Makes even my pagan soul smile and feel all Christmasy ;)
How funny, someone asked me the other day if I would attend Xmas mass. I thought how long it has been since I have been to church.
The girl is cute so I might go to mass...
Really lovely music (and images too)! I'm not particularly observant, but a cosy candlelit service, with people singing together is a great joy.
I closed my eyes and put myself in church where I will be late Christmas Eve.
Merry Christmas to you and Laurent!
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