Though Ferdinand and Isabella may have gained much financially - monies, treasures and land reverted to the crown - Spain lost much of a culture that had existed within it borders since before the birth of Christ. A culture that had flourished under Roman and Muslim rule but was destroyed by Christian zeal - and plain old fashioned greed. A culture that was rich in learning, art, crafts, music and history. And a culture that had its own language, Ladino, that was on the verge of extinction just a few years ago.
One of the reasons that both the language and the music have survived was the work of Turkish-born Issac Levy (1919-1977) - a musician and synagogue cantor who spent a lifetime collecting thousands of Sephardic songs from Balkan, Turkish and Moroccan singers who had immigrated to Israel. His daughter Yasmin Levy has continued in his footsteps, singing traditional songs, composing new songs in Ladino and adding a flamenco flourish to much that she sings.
Nani Nani is a traditional Sephardic cradle song or lullaby in the form of a dialogue. I haven't been able to get an exact translation but the Mother sings: Sleep my soul, my life, sleep peacefully and dream that your father comes back to us in happiness. There have been suggestions that it is the song of a deserted woman who's husband has been unfaithful.
This is the title track from her album Mano Sauve. I find the combination of modern and traditional instruments and the mixture of the Sephardic with the Flamenco fascinating - almost hypnotic. Her passionate love of this music is almost palpable. Its incredible to see the various cultural influences in this song - Sephardic, Turkish, Spanish - a mix of Jewish, Muslim and Christian cultures!
27 febbraio - San Leandro
You my sweet are a true renissance man..
Trippy music. I liked it..I've actually read a lot of books about how the "christians" were so evil to the people who didn't think their way...interesting stuff. There is a great book about Sor Juana Inez de la Cruz. Called Second Dream ..good interesting stuff about the Spaniards when they came to Mexico.
I am moved to tears. This music does something to me that I don't even understand. Thank you for posting it!
Doralong: I am really blushing here. Thank you but its more like a man with a totally unfocused mind - if it takes my interest I'm off.
Sageweb: Yes the incursion of Europe into North American is a particularly bloody and violent story be it Spanish, British, French etc. Frances Parkman's France and Britain in North America - written only 150 years after the facts makes for some uncomfortable reading.
Auld: There really is something viseral and unsettling about that music. Perhaps because it comes from a Disporatic culture?
My people. The Sephardics who ended up in Calabria. Until I came back from four years in Rome, I had no idea that my grandparents didn't really speak "Italian".
What a treat. Thanks.
Willym that was fascinating, you've made me want to find out more about this. the music was beyond what I can describe, so I won't try. thanks for posting this.
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