Monday, February 25, 2008

Lunedi Lunacy

I've heard it said that Upstairs Downstairs was the reason that PBS was so successful back in the '70s and '80s. I'm not sure how true that was but I do know that, in my corner of the world, the sophisticated thing to do on a Sunday night was set the channel to WNPE/WNPI, sit back with a sherry and join Alistair Cook for Masterpiece Theater.

This brillant send up by Stanley Baxter, the great Scottish comedian, may only hit home with USDS fans and people who recall the acting gentry of the period - Dame Edith Evans, Sir John Gielgud and Sir Ralph Richardson. But even if you don't get some of the references Baxter's playing all the characters is sheer artistic genius. And just think of all the money the BBC saved on actors' salaries for this one.

25 febbraio - San Caesario


sageweb said...

that was fun to watch..good entertainment in between me suppose to be working.

Anonymous said...

"Sir Richards was no snob"
(giggle giggle - that was baaa-aaaad)

"This is rock, Hudson!" hee hee hee

What a terrific one, show!

Doralong said...

Baxter was a freakin' genius..

evilganome said...

That was hilarious! Mr. Baxter was indeed wonderful.