Okay I get tired of playing the dip-spouse all the time. Being the polished, perfect, polite, politically correct person - damn almost alliterated there didn't I? - 24 hours a day is tiring. Every so often I have to untighten the cummerbund - well actually I haven't worn a tuxedo since I arrived - and be rude, crude and if I had the nerve tattooed.
All that to introduce a joke that I received today from my friend Bev in Kabul - yes they joke in Kabul!

Sorry I'll just do up that cummerbund again.
05 agosto - Dedicazione di Santa Maria Maggoire
That was just terrible! Thanks for making me spit coffee all over my computer.
Well, actually, it's the universities computer, so I don't mind so much.
You couldn't be rude if you tried hard.. I now will never bitch about having to do the charming spouse thing 3 or 5 times a year.. And yes, I know that concept really goes beyond the bounds of reality..
Ha that was cute, oh and Tattooed? please show
Oh..That was just wrong!..
Pythons definitely prefer white bunnies.
You know,the little red-eyed phuckers.
Tee Hee. I like it when you let down your cummerbund.
My god, I loved that joke!
Loved! It!
oh i love vulgarity!! especially from a man wrapped in a cummerbund.
Oh, those ridiculous uptight fusspots!! I know them. I grew up with them. They don't have anything better to worry about than your cummerbund.
So I think the cummerbund can make quite a statement, particularly when worn simply with a hat, free of other encumberances.
And you know i'm disturbed about that whole python thing.
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