Sunday, July 17, 2011

Alla Prossima

I was having one final chat before my departure with my friend Marco the Napoletano yesterday.  I was saying how difficult leaving Italy is for me and how this has been, in many ways, the four best years of my life.

MTN: Maybe you enjoyed your time here because you knew to have a deadline so you didn't waste time.
Me:  No caro I enjoyed it here because I never thought about the deadline....  it was going to go on forever and I would see everything and do everything...
I tend to forget the things I don't want to know about ....

I knew when I came here four years ago that as well as an arrival there would be a departure but I have never been one to think that far into the future.   It was a given that I choose to ignore and even last week I was trying not to think about it. It is now 1020 on the morning of the 17th my flight leaves at 1410 and the car will be here at 1100.  My bags are packed, the dogs are ready, though Nicky won't leave his kennel - he knows that something is going on - so I guess I must face the fact that this stage is over and the next is beginning.

I will miss so much that I have grown accustomed to here - the food, the arts, the music, the lifestyle but most of all the people.  In the past four years I have been blessed in forming friendships with wonderful people here in Italy and also because of living here people in Greece, England, France, Switzerland and Canada.  People who have given me so much in the way of care and love.  It is them that have made the past four years what they have been.

To all my dear friends, and I won't start naming them because when you do you always forget someone, I thank you for that - baci e abbracchi  alla prossima!  Until next time!


yvette said...

Italy is in your heart...and in your blog shared by all the fans like me...Smooth journey home ...with mes grosses bises cher Willym.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Arrivederci, Roma! How blessed you were to have spent 4 years in one of the great cities of the world. Now, onward to new adventures!

David said...

Dio mio, how dramatic. I can't believe it either: it brought an unexpected tear to my eye on your behalf. No matter; Rome is always a part of you both now as it would never have been before.

flipstinger said...

Well written! one chapter in your life closes, another one opens. Reading this brings tears to my eyes as it reminds me of that London departure a few years back. I can just imagine how hard it is to say goodbye. I have never lived in Italy, but it's one country I frequently love to visit. It gives me a sense of joy whenever I arrive there and a sense sadness when I leave. That's the magic of Italy! Memories'll always have that.

Anonymous said...

Hi Captain,

Guess you are in Canada now... Hope you had a good trip. I hope Nicky and Nora will like their new home in Ottawa.


lynette said...

I am glad you're closer (just up there a couple of thousand miles) ... but heartbroken over your leaving beautiful Italy. Nevertheless, you will take a piece of that beautiful place with you, and every bit of your beautiful self. I can't wait to read of your new adventures settling back into Canada.

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