Monday, June 20, 2011

Lunedi Lunacy

Now surely - I know don't call me Shirley - neither one of my faithful readers thought for a moment that I would go to Milano and not take photos of shoes????   I mean come-on now!  It was my last chance to take a look at the gloriously outrageous over-the-top fashion statements that are scarpe in Italy and more particularly Milano.  I just know I'm not going to see anything like these on the Sparks Street Mall or at Bayshore let alone adorning the tender tootsies of les belles dames d'Outaouais.

Just a reminder that a left click on the image will give you - should you really want one - a closer look at the art of the calzolaio.

As I strolled past the high-end shops on Via Monte Napoleone and Via Santo Spirito I came across footwear that once again had me wracking my brain to image where or when they would be worn.  Or perhaps more accurately why?  And let's add the remaining interrogatives?  Who would wear them and how exactly do they manage on those bloody cobblestones?

It would appear that despite a few lighter items, obviously for the beach provided you don't actually go to the beach, ladies of fashion will be sporting lots of thick leather straps and buckles this season.  And a few will even be aping my grandmother by wearing high button (okay laced) shoes as street wear.  But it also looks like they'll be changing into the comfort of ballet slippers for those more informal moments at home.

If the colourful booties at Missoni weren't enough I knew I could count on Rene Caovilla across the way to feature a few little items to stimulate the imagination and empty the pocketbook.  And notice the ballet slippers - they really are becoming all the rage.

And the rain and an approaching train departure meant I had only scratched the surface of the quadrilatero della moda.  I never made it over to Via della Spiga or the side streets for a gander at some of the more outrageous windows.  I'm going to miss the crazy world of Italian shoes - it always made for entertaining viewing.

20 giugno - Sant'Ettore

Enhanced by Zemanta


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, soon you'll be back in the land of running shoes and Crocs!

yellowdoggranny said...

sigh...*** i love the boots behind the 2 pair of maryjanes..oh man do I..
i was cleaning out some books in my bedroom book cases and found your book..and thought..waitaminute!...he's moving to Canada, I'll be able to afford the freight to mail it to can't wait for you to get moved so I can send it to you.

yvette said...

I will miss la moda from Milano, these dainty things are not 'made for walking' ... you never give an idea of the cost ... only one is enough really...

Anonymous said...

Could you pick me up a pair of the sandals in a size 6.5 please? (FYI think that's a size 4.5 in italy)