Monday, June 28, 2010

Lunedi Lunacy

And here's Tom Lehrer doing a little number to serenade Big Ben and the Boys in the country across the river.

Lehrer sang about pollution back in the late 60s - plus ça change as the French say.

28 giugno - Sant'Ireneo di Lione

Enhanced by Zemanta


David said...

As one who has just been prevented from trying to learn Lehrer's 'elements' for the Quentin Follies, Charleston (where I HAVE done Weill's 'Tchaikovsky' and G&S's Nightmare Song), I salute the immortal, always spot-on Tom. You remind me it's high time I had a permanent place for him in the collection.

aisha said...

And you remind me that it's time for a sing-along next time I'm in Rome... I'm sure we could raise some eyebrows with "I hold your hand in mine dear"...