Again it is not my place to comment on the political situation here but I am struck by some of the posters that appear on the streets.
In Reggio Emilia:
The first Lega Nord poster simply says: Enough Taxes, Enough Rome! The second with the Indian Head says: They were not able to put rules on immigration. Now they live on Reserves. Think of that!
At my street corner:This second poster from Forza Nuova is more disturbing in its imagery.
I must stress that the two parties involved are extremes however I've noticed that at least one of the candidates for Prime Minister has been cultivating a subtle image of a leader from the 30s - except he has decided not to shave off his newly transplanted hair.
11 aprile - San Stanislao
How do you say "Humans are nuts" in Italian?
Well it still cant be as bad as we have it. I am sick of al l the political stuff here. I like the posters there cuz I cant read them.
Okay..That second one is just scary!
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