Monday, January 02, 2012

Lunedi Lunacy

I know that Advent is over and we are now into the 7th day of Christmas which probably should mean something about swans-a-swimming but I hadn't realized that those two wild Scottish Socks over at the Scottish Sock Puppet Theatre  had posted an Advent calendar. But like many of us they got a bit preoccupied with the run up to the big feast day so they decided to do one big catch-up video with I might say typical results. 

And not matter what the season I find these two wooly soacks can always raise a laugh.  A left click on the link will take you to a very touching poem about soacks in proper Ayrshire.

02 January - St Gregory the Great

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I am a better person for having watched that.