Friday, December 29, 2006

Real Problems with Bloger

Hi there - I've been trying to update the blog for the past two days. First it keeps appearing in Chinese and then when I got that resolved I cannot add links as only half the options appear on the template. Unforunately the Google-Blogspot help system leads absolutely nowhere. It is not possible to actually tell them what you problem is with a blog. One click leads to another leads to another than leads you back to the original troubleshooting page. Very confusing and added to the slow response time since the earthquake (we felt two very distinct temors in Hong Kong) it can get real frustrating.

Anyway hoping I can at some point load some pictures of our Cooking Courses, Sapa, temples in Vietnam, the Cao Dia temples, the Mekong Delta and our Christmas in Hong Kong. Until then: Happy New Years to all our friends, family and loved ones.

Love Will and Laurnet

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