To all those we love and care for
Nick, Nora, Laurent and Will
December 21 - 1695: A window tax is imposed in England, causing many householders to brick up windows to avoid the tax.
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An excited audience awaits the beginning of the Panto on December 26, 1826. This satirical print is by Isaac Robert Cruikshank, brother of the better known illustrator George Cruikshank.
British Museum Collection
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Joseph Grimaldi owned and sign this copy of Tegg's Prime Song Book with vignettes by Thomas Rowlandson.
Princeton University Library
* Along with Grimaldi's Clown, James Barnes as Pantaloon and Jack Bologna as Harlequin were the stars of Georgian Pantomime.Poor Arlechino took a prance
To merry England via France;
Came just in Christmas-pudding time,
And welcomed was by Pantomime.
But Pantomime's best days are fled:
Grimaldi, Barnes, Bologna* - dead!
New Prince, New Pomp
Behold a silly tender Babe, in freezing winter night;
In homely manger trembling lies, alas a piteous sight:
The inns are full, no man will yield this little Pilgrim bed,
But forced He is with silly beasts, in crib to shroud His head.
Despise Him not for lying there, first what He is enquire:
An orient pearl is often found, in depth of dirty mire;
Weigh not His crib, His wooden dish, nor beasts that by Him feed:
Weigh not His mother's poor attire, nor Joseph's simple weed.
This stable is a Prince's court, the crib His chair of state:
The beasts are parcel of His pomp, the wooden dish His plate.
The persons in that poor attire, His royal liveries wear,
The Prince Himself is come from heaven, this pomp is prized there.
With joy approach, O Christian wight, do homage to thy King,
And highly prize this humble pomp, which He from heaven doth bring.
Robert Southwell (1561-1595)
December 24 - 1955: NORAD Tracks Santa for the first time in what will become an annual Christmas Eve tradition.The failure to recognize a gift when it is offered to us shows us something within ourselves. Let us leave that something open. Let's us make room at the inn.
Thanking you for sharing this time with me and wishing you a Christmas of simple gifts richly bestowed and warmly received.
The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him: yea, all such as call upon him faithfully.
V. My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord: and let all flesh give thanks unto his holy name.
Alleluia, alleluia
V. Come, O Lord, and tarry not: forgive the misdeeds of thy people. Alleluia
Gradual - Advent IVSarum Rite Anglican Missal
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Sharp's original transcription of This is the Truth as sung to him by Seth Vandrell (aged 70) and Samuel Bradley (aged 71) in October 1911. |
For some reason many versions omit the last verse which seems to me to set it in the carol rather than liturgical mode:This is the truth sent from above,
The truth of God, the God of love:
Therefore don’t turn me from your door,
But hearken all, both rich and poor.
The first thing which I do relate
Is that God did man create,
The next thing which to you I’ll tell,
Woman was made with man to dwell.
Then, after this, ’twas God’s own choice
To place them both in Paradise,
There to remain, from evil free,
Except they ate of such a tree.
But they did eat, which was a sin,
And thus their ruin did begin.
Ruined themselves, both you and me,
And all of their posterity.
Thus we were heirs to endless woes,
Till God the Lord did interpose,
And so a promise soon did run,
That he would redeem us by his Son.
And I find it a fitting wish as the season as Advent draws to a close.God grant to all within this place
True saving faith, that special grace
Which to his people doth belong:
And thus I close my Christmas song.
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Krampus now hangs on our tree - ready to give a sound switching to naughty boys and girls; and ready to cart the very bad off in his basket to.... well heaven only knows where. |
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Frankly I'm not sure I would trust either Saint or Demon to bring me a gift the way they are portrayed on this Austrian greeting card. One looks almost as ill-natured as the other. |
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Finally Sankt Nikolaus has taken his place greeting anyone coming to our door between now and January 6th. |
Un Soir de Neige | A Snowy Evening |
I. De grandes cuillers de neige De grandes cuillers de neige Ramassent nos pieds glacés Et d’une dure parole Nous heurtons l’hiver têtu Chaque arbre a sa place en l’air Chaque roc son poids sur terre Chaque ruisseau son eau vive Nous nous n’avons pas de feu | I. Great snowy spoons Great snowy spoons Pick up our icy feet And with a harsh word We confront stubborn winter Each tree has its place in the air Each rock its weight on the earth Each stream its living water But we have no fire |
II. La bonne neige La bonne neige le ciel noir Les branches mortes la détresse De la forêt pleine de pièges Honte à la bête pourchassée La fuite en flêche dans le coeur Les traces d’une proie atroce Hardi au loup et c’est toujours Le plus beau loup et c’est toujours Le dernier vivant que menace La masse absolue de la mort | II. The good snow The good snow, the black sky The dead branches, the pain Of the forest full of traps Shame to the hunted creature Flight like an arrow in its heart The tracks of a ferocious prey Onward, wolf, and it’s always The finest wolf and it’s always The last one alive threatened by The absolute weight of death |
III. Bois meurtri Bois meurtri bois perdu d’un voyage en hiver Navire où la neige prend pied Bois d’asile bois mort où sans espoir je rêve De la mer aux miroirs crevés Un grand moment d’eau froide a saisi les noyés La foule de mon corps en souffre Je m’affaiblis je me disperse J’avoue ma vie j’avoue ma mort j’avoue autrui. | III. Bruised Woods Bruised woods, lost woods of a winter’s journey Ship where the snow takes hold Sheltering woods, dead woods, where without hope I dream Of the sea with its gutted mirrors A surge of cold water gripped the drowned Making the crowd of my body suffer I grow weak, I am scattered I confess my life, I confess my death, I confess the other |
IV. La nuit le froid la solitude La nuit le froid la solitude On m’enferma soigneusement Mais les branches cherchaient leur voie dans la prison Autour de moi l’herbe trouva le ciel On verrouilla le ciel Ma prison s’écroula Le froid vivant le froid brûlant m’eut bien en main | IV. Night cold loneliness Night cold loneliness They locked me in carefully But the branches were seeking their way into the prison Around me grass found the sky They locked and bolted the sky My prison crumbled The living cold the burning cold had me right in its hand |
Paul Éluard (1895-1952) |
Pour le Noël de Marie-Blanche [de Polignac] tendrement, Francis, 25 décembre 1944. Excusez cette cantate sur la neige, tout à coup pleine de boue.
For Christmas, to Marie-Blanche [de Polignac] tenderly, Francis. 25 December 1944. Excuse this mud-caked (somber) cantata on snow.
As for the entertainment the spinning of a dreidel, as simple as it is, has brought delight - and disappointment - to young and old alike for almost a thousand years. Though there are some legends that trace the history of the dreidel back to the Seleucidian occupation it first appeared as a game in the Middle Ages. It was adapted from the teetotum or spinning top used in a popular German game of chance. The best known dreidel song for Hanukkah is I Have a Little Dreidel or in Yiddish Ikh Bin A Kleyner Dreydl, which actually translates as "I am a little Dreidel". Another difference is that in English the spinning top is made of clay while in Yiddish it is made of lead. Certainly in the early days many were made of lead but a dreidel can be something as simple as a homemade cube of clay on a wooden axis or the work of a master craftsman in silver, wood, gilt, ceramic or precious stones.I have a candle, I have a small thin candle
On Hanukkah, my candle I will light.
On Hanukkah my candle will glow
On Hanukkah I will sing songs.
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This lovely paper dreidel - Dancing Children - is by Melanie Dankowicz who creates beautiful designs with lazar cut paper and metal. |
Spinning top, spin spin spin,
Chanukah is a great holiday.
Chanukah is a great holiday.
Spinning top, spin spin spin,
Spin here and there,
A great miracle happened here/there,
A great miracle happened here/there
Spinning top, spin spin spin.
Barukh atah Adonai, Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam
shehecheyanu v'kiyimanu v'higi'anu laz'man hazeh. (Amein)
Blessed are you, Lord, our God, sovereign of the universe
who has kept us alive, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this season (Amen)
There are so many wonderful songs for Advent and Christmastide that take us beyond what for most of us are our traditional carols. I was fortunate growing up to be introduced to many Polish carols as well as traditions by the Michalskis who lived next door to my family and were my best friends. This may well have been the door that opened up a world for me which went beyond my Anglo-Saxon roots.Say to them that are of a fearful heart: Be strong, fear not: behold your God will come and save you.
Communion Sentence - Advent IIISarum Rite Anglican Missal
The first Neiman-Marcus Christmas Book I received in the post in 1979. I was hooked on catalogue shopping for years afterwards. |
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A rollover with your mouse will show the delicate work on the back of the ornament. |
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A rollover with your mouse will show the delicate work on the back of the ornament. |
One of the advantages of working shift work those many years ago at Air Canada was that it gave me the opportunity to listen to Off the Record, a Monday to Friday early afternoon staple on the CBC. I have often spoken of how host Bob Kerr introduced me - and thousands of others - to music from his enormous and very catholic collection of recordings. So much of what I came to discover and enjoy in music was because of his eclectic and encyclopedic taste. And at no time were those discoveries more enjoyable than in the weeks leading up to Christmas. Bob would play everything from Medieval to Mady Prior to Meissen and a world beyond Adeste Fideles was revealed.O people of Sion, behold the Lord is nigh at hand to redeem the nations: and in the gladness of your heart the Lord shall cause his glorious voice to be heard.
Ps. Hear, O though Shepherd of Israel: thou that leadest Joseph like a sheep.V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost.Introit - Advent IISarem Rite Anglican Missal
Though the tale is a cautionary one I have always questioned the attitude of the Wise Virgins. After all one would think that Christian charity would have extended to sharing their lamp oil. However that is a theological discussion for another day.Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.
And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.
Matthew 25:1-13KJV